The foot and ankle surgery
The foot and ankle surgery in recent years has undergone remarkable changes. The best interpretation of biomechanics, as well as ease of better prepared for surgery of small fragments osteosynthesis has made with the anesthetic and antibiotic improved results in the treatment of conditions more predictable. Retrieves the functionality and aesthetics of your feet.
Retrieves the functionality and aesthetics of your feet. Avoid malformations or injuries that prevent you from walking properly and comfortably.
Numerous diseases and deformities of the foot and ankle require structured in establishing an individual treatment.
Close collaboration with the department of podiatry allows differential diagnosis of each disorder with the help of a computerized gait analysis and additional clinical information and radiodiagnostic exploration.
In surgical acts apply the most advanced techniques, considering first the techniques that maintain the patient’s own joints.
The specialist in orthopedic foot and ankle problems handles all aspects concerning problems of the ankle and foot. Manages trauma injuries and acquired problems of the ankle and foot associated with degenerative or inflammatory problems. Sprains and fractures, bunions, toe deformities, joint disease, nail problems, tendon disease, diabetes, inflammatory diseases and nerve injuries are included.
Our close collaboration with the medical industry gives us access to the most innovative implants and being able to apply the most conservative surgical techniques.
Surgical Procedures
Surgery of the forefoot
- Hallux valgus (bunion)
- Hallux rigidus
- Claw toes, hammertoes and other deformities of the lesser toes
- Complex deformities of the forefoot
- Total prosthesis of the big toe
- Arthrodesis
- Fractures
- Amputation of fingers
Mid- and hindfoot surgery
- Adult flat foot surgery
- Children flatfoot surgery
- equinus
- cavus Foot
- Coalitio tarsal
- Heel Osteotomy
- Sore heel plantar and dorsal
- Arthrodesis
- Fractures
Soft tissue surgery
- Transposition of Tendons
- plantar fasciitis
- Morton Neuroma
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Excision of soft tissue tumors
- tendon repairs
Ankle surgery
- Total Ankle Prosthesis
- Ankle arthrodesis
- Transposition of cartilage and bone (OATS)
- ACL Rehabilitation
- Ligament reconstruction
- Reconstruction and Achilles tendon suture
- Dislocations
- Fractures
In the postoperative treatment avoid prolonged immobilization of the patient and use a variety of orthotics and shoes latest download to mobilize the patient as soon as possible.
Dr. Juan Martínez Caamaño
Dr. Martinez is certified in the specialty of traumatology and orthopedics and medical techniques used to correct or prevent physical degeneration or malformation procedures and pains, injuries and other conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system of the body..